Tuesday, May 6, 2014

How to Get to Sweden in 5,000 Easy Steps

After many years of anticipation, it looks like I'm going to get the chance to travel to Sweden and hang out there for a few months with my husband and children.  This blog will chronicle our preparations, and then (hopefully) the time we get to spend in Sweden for our family and friends.  Who knows?  Maybe it will even prove useful for the vast hoards of other Americans making temporary moves to Sweden.  What's that?  It's just us?  Oh.

Here are the first steps (of a seemingly infinite number) you'll need to take to get to Sweden:

Step 1.  Marry a highly employable engineer.  Or become one...whatever suits your fancy.

Step 2.  After a handful of years of wedded bliss, encourage your fellow adventurer to accept a position that includes the possibility of a short term move to Sweden.  (This is a critical step...DO NOT skip.)

Step 3.  Move to a very pleasant little American city, bear 3 children, and wait patiently while hubby flits back and forth to Sweden without you for a few years.

Step 4.  Encourage the hubs to gently remind the boss now and again that: Yes, you are still willing to spend a chunk of time in Sweden.  Yes, you do now have one two three small children.  Yes, you understand that's a bit outside of normal, rational patterns of thought.

Step 5.  Wait.  (We really practiced this one, but I don't know if I got any better at it.) 


  1. Lol! Love it! This is going to be a great blog. It'll help you organize your thoughts, connect with others and keep a record for you and your children to have later. Yay!

  2. Yay! Congrats on being my very first commenter! You win the honor of being my very first commenter!
