Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

When you're in over your head and need a huge, time consuming favor, you should:

Step 16:  Call Mom

I need to make a list of the To Do Lists I'll need to create to get this huge trip to happen.  (Scott's got plenty of lists, too.  I'm letting him deal with the governments.  They're no fun.  And HR.  They're their own kind of fun.)  I also need to continue to do things such as feed and water the children and clean various and sundry items from time to time.  When Scott mentioned he'll probably be out of town for several weeks prior to our trip...I called my mommy.

She, of course, asked the perfect questions like "When should I come?" and "How long do you need me to stay?"  Yea for Moms!

Happy Mother's Day, Mom.  We all love you!

1 comment:

  1. Glad I was able to pass along the list-making skills. I probably never made a list as long as yours, however. Thanks for calling on your mommy! That's what love is all about.
