Saturday, August 30, 2014

A Walk in the Woods

Send a man and his boy into the woods near our house and this is the bounty you can expect:

Mushrooms, let the research begin.
Anyone have a good book on Swedish English?

The girls and I will try to pick enough for saft (juice concentrate) or sylt (jelly) soon.
The latest hostage in his aquarium (AKA former blueberry clamshell).  The snail is hoping this will secure his (her?) release.
They also found exactly 3 blueberries (techincally bilberries) that were reportedly delicious.  I wouldn't know.  I didn't get one.  harumph.

Friday, August 29, 2014

My Ikea kitchen

Living in Europe for several months sounds very glamorous, or at least it did to me.  There are certainly many times when this experience is amazing, and I'm very grateful that we're here.  However, many parts of my day still involve laundry, cleaning, and cooking.  We did bring the kids along after all!

Even the cooking part, while not the definition of glamorous, is at least interesting here.  I'm trying new things, in a new kitchen (more about my kitchen when it's cleaner..ahem), with new food, or at least new names for the food.  So here's a quick glance of a few things that have hit our table recently at the Vrtiska house...the Sweden version.

Last night I made pea soup and pancakes, because it was Thursday...that sentence makes sense in Sweden, promise.
My understanding is that this is the traditional Thursday fare in the Swedish military, so many Swedes make this every Thursday at home as well.  Scott became aware of it when traveling to Sweden on previous trips, because it's the special of the day in many restaurants.  The Swedish pancakes were SO GOOD!  The recipe I used was from Rockford, IL ("a really Swedish town" according to the contributor).  Scott said they were a bit eggier (that should be a word) than the ones he had for lunch at the cafeteria, but that's a compliment in our house.  If you're reading this and are more Swedish than someone from Illinois, please feel free to give me your recipe in the comments. :)  We topped the pancakes with lingonberry jelly, but Scott said they need homemade whipped cream on top, too, and what can't be improved with a bit of homemade whipped cream?  I used this recipe for the pea soup since I didn't have a ham bone.  It was yummy, and warm, but what can't be improved by a bit of bacon?  I'll try this recipe next time:  Or share your Swedish Grandma's recipe with me, and I'll use that one instead!
Earlier in the morning the girls and I picked apples from our backyard orchard for applesauce. We have 9 apple trees, and roughly a million apples.  If you can get to Sweden in the next few months, come over!  I'll bake you an apple...something.  I don't have canning jars or equipment here, and we'll only be here for a few months, so there's no way to put all of them to good use, but I'm going to give it my best shot!

On the other side of our yard is the plum orchard with 7 trees.

 We picked many plums from the lower branches, but there were so many yummy, juicy, tempting plums on the higher branches.  We really had no choice...
This is not spousal abuse...
This is harvesting without a ladder.
The plum tart helped soothe Scott's aching back.
We've been eating a lot of fish lately, but this was by far the largest so far.  Scott "caught" this one at ICA, our local grocery store.

Then he created a masterpiece:

We ate it with boiled red potatoes with dill. 

Roanin has a grilled salmon and pickle sandwich, and an apple for a snack in the woods today.  That sentence makes sense in Sweden...promise.  Every Friday the class goes and plays in the nearby woods for a couple hours before lunch.  Because he's 6.  And it's Friday.  And why don't we do this in the U.S.?!?!

I'm just glad we can safely use our grill again.  We were afraid to use it too soon after the forest fire .  Someone a few towns over started up their grill toward the end of the fire fight and a helicopter water bombed it for fear that the fire had jumped a line. oops.

Now I need to go clean up my kitchen before I make lunch.  That sentence doesn't make any sense...anywhere.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

What I Want to Tell My Son About Ferguson

Dear Sweet 6 (and three quarters) year old Baby Boy of Mine,

The situation in Ferguson, Missouri is very simple and very complicated.  And it's heart-breaking.  And it's infuriating.  And I don't want you to know about it...yet.

But I want you to know about it someday.  I want you to understand it. I want you to ask honest, respectful questions when there are parts of it you don't understand.

I want you to know about slavery and share cropping and Jim Crow and The Civil Rights Movement and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr..  I want him to be one of your personal heroes. I also want you to know about Uncle Tom and "separate but equal" and Malcolm X and The Black Panthers and racial profiling and disproportionate incarceration practices.  I want you to see, if only from the outside, where generational anger comes from.

I want you to know that the police are there to protect you and keep our communities safe.  I want you to know that this statement is less true, or completely false, for people who look different than you.  A police badge doesn't fix a heart that beats with violent racist beliefs.  A job-issued deadly weapon doesn't make you the good guy.

I want you to know that you need to respect the police and their position in the community.  For you this is an issue of being a good, law-abiding citizen.  I want you to know that for people who don't look like you this could be a matter of life and death - wrongful, tragic, righteous anger producing death.

I want you to know that we are all equal in God's eyes.  I want you to know that you are valuable, worthy, and loved.  So is every other person God breathed into being.  This has nothing to do with the skin you're wrapped in, or the texture of your hair, or the accent of your speech, or the grammar of your language, or the style of your clothes, or the neighborhood you call home.  Not everyone believes this about all people. 

I want you to know that is wrong.  It's just as wrong when it causes a well-hidden, racist thought as when it causes a young man to lie dead in the street through no fault of his own. 

I want you to know that I am guilty of allowing appearances, including race, to affect my opinion of people.  I want you to know that you will, most likely, be guilty of this, too.  This is human nature.  This is still wrong.

I want you to know that one of the most important things you can do is be aware of this.  The more you are aware of wrong assumptions affecting your opinions and actions, the more you can work to second-guess your first impressions and see people through a purer lens.  And treat people with more appropriate respect.  And acknowledge that they, too, are valuable, worthy, and loved. 

I want you to know that this awareness takes more knowledge, not less.  More effort, not less.  More education, not less.  More practice, not less.  More love, never less.

But, right now, sweet boy, you are 6 (and three quarters), so I can't tell you these things, and have them make sense.  Because right now you are as close to knowing these things as part of your very being as you may ever be.  Your eyes have yet to be tainted by the world.  Your heart has yet to be hardened by experience.  Your mind has yet to question the value of another of God's children.

I want you to know that your view of other people, right now, is true.

I want you to know that I want the world (myself included) to know this kind of truth.

So right now, sweet boy, I won't tell you about Ferguson, because you already know the most important part of it. 

I will tell you about Ferguson when the world starts to take the truth away.


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Back to School

Technically, we're not planning for "back to school".  We're planning for Roanin to go to school...for the first time...ever.  Because of being a stay-at-home mom, and for several other reasons, we homeschooled our children to this point.  I can teach my kids many things at home, but I can't teach them the Swedish language and culture!  Living in Sweden offers us the awesome opportunity for the kids to pick up a second language in an immersion experience, which is the most effective way to learn another language, especially at their young ages.

Part of the reason we chose to live in a rural area was to be able to send Roanin to a small town school where we have contacts.  Harriet, our landlady and neighbor, works at the elementary school Roanin will attend as the supplementary Science and Math teacher.  Our friend who set up the rental for us knows the first class (first grade) teacher, and was able to assure us that she speaks English, and has used it while living abroad.  That was a huge relief!

School starts Monday morning, and Roanin is a big ball of nerves.  He's excited about going to school, but understandably nervous about the language barrier.  Swedish children don't start taking English lessons until they're in 3rd grade, so we don't expect any of his classmates to be able to communicate with him through language.  Roanin has been studying Swedish with Rosetta Stone for the last couple months, which we hope will give him enough of a foundation to begin to decode the rest of the language quickly.  From the brief research I've done, children his age are usually able to become functionally fluent in a month in this type of experience.

The "back to school" experience in Sweden has been a learning process for me.  Education is free in Sweden.  We say the same thing in the U.S., but when Sweden says "free" they mean F.R.E.E. free.  It's my understanding that education is free through the doctorate level.  I'll let that one sink in for a minute.  No college tuition to save for.  No student loans to pay off.  No starting life in debt.  In fact, university students are paid a stipend to help with their living expenses.  That kind of free.

We started...and finished back to school shopping today.  This is what we bought:

Harriet told us he should bring a piece of fruit with him each day for a snack.  He picked grapes. I picked out the rest for some variety.  Total spent on back to school items for the first day: about $1.50 for half the pack of grapes.  Pricey for grapes, but pretty cheap as back to school supplies go in the U.S..  I'll also send him with his Spiderman backpack we brought with us, and a pair of tennis shoes to change into when he's in the school building.  That's it.  We might splurge a bit and buy each of the kids a new outfit tomorrow, but thats mostly because the lack of school shopping is kinda freaking me out.  A Swedish friend with school-aged kids warned me that the school will probably send all his school supplies home with him when we leave for the states.  This is so different from the "free" school system in the U.S. that it seems backward.  The question is: "Which country is backward?"

Roanin's school day will end at about 1 in the afternoon.  I think this is true for both the first and second class.  Older children stay until about 3.  That will be a nice easing-in to the school day routine for Roanin since he's never been in a classroom setting for more than 2 hours once a week at Bible Study.  Before he heads home, he'll eat lunch at school, which is also provided...for everyone.  I'm going to ask permission for Roanin to bring a camera to school to take pictures of the lunch under the guise of an illustrated social comparative project. Rumor has it Swedish schools serve their children actual food for lunch, as opposed to the preserved, frozen, nuked chemistry experiments offered in the U.S..

Here's the best part of Roanin's first day of school, in my opinion:  I get to go with him!  Its allowed, and maybe even expected, that the parents of younger children will attend school with them for the first day, or two, or three!  I'll go with him for the first couple hours, but then I'll have to leave before lunch so Scott can get to work.  I was just stunned that I get to set foot in the building during school hours at all!

After we get Roanin settled into school, we'll work on getting the girls into a nearby daycare program.  As a stay-at-home mom, I'm only entitled to 15 hours of free daycare per week.  Again with the freeness...sheesh! 

Maybe if we can get daycare set up, I'll have time for things like typing up posts about our trips to Stockholm (the Paris of the North) and Paris (The Paris), and maybe even a date with my husband!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


After a brief clearing this afternoon, the smoke in our area has gotten progressively worse.  Here are 2 pictures of the view from our kitchen window.  One before the fire, and one taken just a few minutes ago.

No, the windows didn't get that dirty in 2 weeks!
A coworker that Scott claims to be one of the wisest people on site is evacuating his adult daughter from our we're packing up, too.  We will head to a friend's house in Vasteros, and possibly get a hotel room for tonight and/or following nights.
Please pray for people in the Sala area, for their physical safety, as well as for their homes and livestock.  Pray for the Swedish officials and emergency workers who need to make quick, wise decisions in an event that is very foreign to them. 
I'll keep posting on facebook, if not here, so that everyone knows we're safe.  Thank you for your prayers for our safety and good decisions.
From this view out our front window you should be able to see our 2 nearest neighbors, who have taken very good care of us.  Please pray for Esbjorn, Harriet, Per, Bolin, and their families.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Siestas and Forest Fire

It was hot hot HOT today.  Not what I was prepared for when I discovered that Sweden lies along the same longitudinal lines as Alaska.  Our thermometer read 34 degrees (93 F) this afternoon while the sun was hitting it directly.  That sounds like a typical Kansas City August day.  Now take away your AC, fans (yup, all of them), kiddie pool, sprinkler, and ice cubes.  That's dang hot.  There's just generally no need for these things here.  We do have the tiniest, mini ice cube tray, but Scott was pretty shocked that we had such an American item.  I hoarded all 12 of the ice cubes for our afternoon fika. 
Roanin escaped to the neighbors to use their kiddie pool for awhile.  He didn't have his swim trunks.  That's not an issue here. :) At lunch we discussed Spanish Siestas, as the girls ate in their undies.
It was the hottest day of the Summer so far, but the weather here has been intense all Summer.  It's been extremely dry, and unusually hot for long stretches.  It's only rained once in Sala, since we got here in mid-July, and that was very light and short.  The weather has affected the wild and cultivated berry crops, as well as the forest mushrooms.  Wild chanterelles, strawberries, and blueberries are generally plentiful in Sweden, but are nonexistent this year.
The dry hot weather has created the perfect conditions for a huge forest fire that's raging in our area right now. 
It started Thursday, and blew smoke our direction for 3 days straight.  Saturday evening it blocked out the sun and scented all of our clothes with an authentic campfire aroma.
The smell was so strong, I hung them out again today to try to diminish the smell.  I can't tell if it worked, or if I'm just too saturated with the smell to notice. 
Our neighbors don't seem to be concerned about our area's safety at this point, but we're keeping a close eye on the news.  (Dear Google Translate, we love you.)  It's about 10 miles away from us now, but I feel much less nervous about it when the smoke isn't blowing straight at us.  As of today, Sweden has called many emergency workers and military staff home from their vacations (Swedes call it "semester") and reached out to Italy for help with firefighting equipment.  Nine firefighters had to be rescued by helicopter this afternoon when the fire closed in around them.  We just learned that about 1,000 people are being evacuated tonight from the fire's previously rural path.  The current prediction is that it could burn for several months because it's burning underground.
There are no global warming deniers in Sweden.