Thursday, July 24, 2014

Planning the Day

I'm sitting at my kitchen table doing a bit of planning for the day.  So here's a little teaser into our Swedish life.  Diapers are in the washing machine.  It's a water-efficient front loader, so the cycle takes 2 1/2 hours.  I need to get them on the line ASAP since I'm running low.  I also need to sit down with Google translate and see if we can't figure out all these fancy settings.  I only have a Swedish instruction manual.

We're out of a few essentials like milk, filmjölk (a thin, mild yogurt we use on cereal and in place of sour cream), and knäckebröd (crisp bread bigger than crackers we're using in place of breakfast toast and regular crackers and bread).  In a couple hours I'll head to the ICA (pronounced E-ka) grocery store with the kids for some shopping.  Scott has our car, so the grocery shopping will involve a bus schedule, Google Maps, good sturdy shopping bags (I brought several from home), and Roanin and Cora's backpacks to help with the schlepping.
After an early dinner, we hope to get Roanin and Cora to the local futbol practice by Roanin's school (Kila Skola).  It depends on Scott's success with seeing a doctor for the orange-sized bruise/infection/thingy that he picked up from some plant or insect on a remote Swedish island last Sunday. 
But first I'm off to hang the diapers and water the sheep.  How's that for a teaser?
The view out my kitchen window (Photo credit to Roanin)


  1. Guessing that "kvick" means quick wash cycle. Google translate says it as "witty"! Does it tell jokes for 2 1/2 hours?

    1. I think the joke is holding my diapers hostage for 2 1/2 hours while I only have 2 clean ones on hand. I'm buying disposables today for just such future occasions.

  2. !!! If you run out of diapers again I bet your Terrible Towel can do double duty you did bring that, right?

  3. Sheep! Consider me officially teased!

    I am also impressed with how modern the washer looks for a rental. Usually rentals are stocked with aging appliances that barely work. It's definitely European in that it takes it's time. I guess Americans really do want everything now.

    1. Oh Cale...just wait for my kitchen post. Luckily, they got me instruction manuals in English for my appliances.

  4. Cale, this is not a normal rental and a front loader is the only washer we know of. My mother in law told me that the top loaders disappeared here in the early fifties. I am 52 and have never seen one anywhere in Europe!
