Saturday, June 28, 2014

Swedish Church in Politics

54.  Make some attempt to sort out Swedish politics.  This will be especially advantageous to us, since we'll be living in Sweden during their national elections in September.

55. Wrap your head around the party names:

     Social Democrats and Swedish Democrats: One or both of these is best compared to the US Republicans.  (Disclaimer: Please don't read this blog for accurate political information.  Only for your own personal entertainment, as at least one US "news" channel should be consumed.). I'll let you know if I figure out anything more helpful than that surely slanderous statement.

     Moderates: The party of the current Prime Minister.  They seem to be analogous to the US Democratic Party, maybe even a bit leftier.  Yup, I'm a pro at politics.  Coining words and all.  Someone get me a dry erase board.

     Party of the Swedes: This one I'm much more clear on, as they're commonly referred to as Neo-Nazis.  I think that gives you a pretty clear picture of their platforms.

56. Admire the Swedish Church's involvement in the political process.  During today's political speeches by the Party of the Swedes, all 92 churches on the island of Gotland plan to ring their bells in an attempt to drown out the speeches and to warn of danger to society.  The last time the bells were all rung simultaneously was during World War II.  The anti-Neo Nazi protesters reportedly added to the cacophony with loud booing and jangling keys.  What a beautiful spin on "Make a joyful noise."

Update:  My guess about the Social Democrats and Swedish Democrats was way off.  (You did read my disclaimer, right?)  They are evidently on 2 different sides of the spectrum, and my above statement would, in fact, be considered by both of them.  Silly me for thinking that 2 parties with such similar names would be...similar.  I would dig deeper and explain the whole thing for you, but there's dinner to cook, and plenty of other (qualified) Swedish websites you could dig into I won't. 

I have a few Swedish readers (Hej, Henrick!), who are surely reading my blog as comedy.  Please (please, please) correct any and all of my faux pas, both here and in person.  Tack!

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